It doesn’t really take that much to learn a good running technique. We’ll show you what you need to pay attention to in just a few minutes. No magic, easy to implement for everyone.

For about 15 years we have been offering several running seminars per week. We also work with runners in the shop on a daily basis. At the same time, we hear again and again the desire to improve the running technique. Our tip: Before you book a running technique seminar or do further technique exercises (e.g. running ABC or coordination training), it makes sense to first learn the basics of a good running technique.

Carlos Cuenca – himself a former top runner and actual coach – shows you in the video what you have to pay attention to. Our experience: Anyone who observes and implements these principles is already very well equipped with regard to running technique. Still without complicated drills. Of course, these also make sense, but everything in its own time: Principles – running technique drills to consolidate the technique – further training such as ladder training / coordination exercises / jumping exercises.

It’s best to take a look at the explanations here:

Principles of running technique


Sport is emotion. Whether you go jogging once a week or prepare an Ironman: sport always gives you something in return. Especially in the times of online shopping, we are convinced that these emotions can only be shared from person to person, athlete to athlete. In our stores you breathe real sports air. But above all, you will receive the advice you can expect on site.

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